Monday 20 August 2012

Harargge Bahaa Magaalaa Dire Dawaatti Salaata Iidaa Booda Ummanni Islaamaa Ahbaashaa Fii Majlis Balaaleefatanii Jiran. Garuu Mootummaan Sagalee Isaanii Ukkamsuuf Salaata Sa'aa Duran Salaatamu Dura Akka Salaatamu Godhus Ummanni Islaamaa Sagalee Isaa Dhageesisuu Irraa Of Duuba Hin Deebine.


1 comment:

  1. The Prime Minister Meles Zenawi Death!and the Next Season !!!

    What would be the next ruling season of Ethiopia? will EPRDF continue handling the situation as pre-ruling season of prime minster Zenawi or the era would be for the oppressed class of nation that answer the Muslims and other Questions ?
    In my opinion The Next Ruling Post Prime Minster Meles Zenawi will be Glad Tiding that would bring freedom for Oppressed Ethiopian Muslims and nationalities and answer their questions? but the Questions is how would we Muslims and oppressed nationalities would respond and react to upcoming events and situations.....??

    please share your opinion and feeling for better understanding up gradual info!!
    go to event menu of this group
    and discuss It
